
I am simply a graduate student hoping to share a some useful information from her experiences.  I am not in any way a qualified technical professional nor do I claim to be one. This blog intended to be used for general information, education and to hopefully provide a bit of entertainment. Even though I may discuss these matters, I am not offering technical, legal, security or any other form of professional advice or consultation. The information posted here is only my personal opinions which you should not rely upon.  If any reader takes action or makes decisions based on the information on this blog the reader is doing so at their own risk and agrees that I am not liable for such actions or decisions by the reader. I am not liable for any losses, injuries or damages from the use of this site. I will attempt to provide accurate complete information, but I make no claims to the accuracy or the completeness of the information that I provide or the information provided by the sites that I link to or the information that may be provided by others here. I cannot promise that my information will always be up to date. I or others may post links to other websites. I am not responsible for the content of other sites that may be linked to this one. Simply because a link may appear in this blog does not mean that I have approved the link and its content. The reader must treat the information from other sites at their own risk, and I am not liable for third party information. This disclaimer may change without notice.

In brief, I am far from being an expert on any of the topics I will be talking about.  I am only qualified to provide opinions not expert advice.  I am not responsible for what can happen to you, your computer, or anything else if you do any of the things I discuss or suggest.  It is not my fault if something happens to your computer now or in the future.  I am not responsible for anything you download or any websites you visit, even if there is a link to it in anywhere in this blog.

After reading all that, I hope you are still interested in my blog. Happy reading!

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